To boldly go where no incumbent carrier has gone before.


The Argentine mobile phone market is mature, with three dominant operators and service penetration of 137%. 6.633.159 Argentinians face a different reality:

1.999.278 inhabitants have limited access to mobile services.

663.881 still have poor mobile reception.

387.441 inhabitants in 659 communities, do not have an internet connection or cellular coverage. In some cases, these are rural towns or low-income aboriginal communities

4.000.000 inhabitants, who live in around 5.000 popular neighborhoods have access, mobile coverage and internet services, but cannot pay for service or new terminals.




       Connect the unconnected, either due to lack of infrastructure in remote areas or due to excessive costs and level of poverty in popular neighborhoods, providing technological solutions that end digital apartheid.

659 Locations, 387.441 inhabitants without internet and cellular.


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